Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Reciprocity ...Life "IS" a Circle

I attended a fundraising event back in the spring to support an organization I started volunteering with about 15 years ago.  When I received the invitation in the mail I tossed into my "look at it later" pile, but instantly felt a pang in my gut.  So, I pulled it out and placed it in my "look at this sooner-rather-than-later pile."  A few days later, I read the details.  It was an early morning breakfast.  Again, I thought, can I really make it, do I feel up for it?  I had other appointments and was just getting over a little cold.  But that gut feeling wouldn't go away.  I sent a note that I would attend.

Each table sat about ten people and we had a "getting to know you" part where we were invited to go around and introduce ourselves.  Although I knew a few people at my table, it was mostly new faces.  I was still getting used to introducing myself with an emphasis on my new work and was in the habit of saying "well, I used to work in engineering, but now I ...." with a bunch of words trying to explain my new—and not so mainstream—line of work in energy medicine.  Part of my explanation included that I was currently enrolled in a meditation certification program. That clicked.

Turns out one of the women at my table works for Swedish Hospital in Seattle and mentioned a new campus about to open in Issaquah, just east of Seattle, and said they would have a yoga space. She gave me her card and suggested I contact her.  About a week later I sent her an email.  In a matter of a couple of days, I was in direct contact with the director of yoga programs for a phone interview.  From there, I was expected to write up a resume, provide a lesson plan, write a bio relevant to the class I would teach, come up with a cost structure, my schedule (for an entire year! ...what!), references,  and many other required documents to get the ball rolling.  And, boy did the ball get rolling!  After many months of planning to get all ducks in a row, the new space is now open and I am there teaching!  Just like that!  The universe had a plan.  I just needed to show up, say YES! and seize the moment.  I did.   

Some people ask me, "Wow, how did you do that!?!" because it's such an amazing opportunity and I am such a newbie!  I tell them, "Well, I went to a fundraising event for a non-profit organization that I support and volunteer with sometimes and met this woman...." And depending on who is asking, I tell them how I almost didn't go ...the best part of the story!  Because I followed my intuition—guided by spirit—that's how it happened.  I just had to show up.   

I simply went to the event, made a small contribution, enjoyed a lovely presentation, sipped some coffee, made some new friends, and got a new teaching job!  Of course, that's not why I went (to get a new job!) but it just proves the point that you can't possibly know what awaits you.  You just have to go with your gut. If you feel the magnet drawing you, be magnetized—and follow the pull.  

Life is one big circle.  When you give, you keep the circle of life moving.  You keep the energy, the life force, flowing.  But when you remain only in your own small space, you limit growth, your opportunities, your circle.  The magnetic life force that keeps things moving—the circle circulating—stops with you if you don't take action. 

Reach out and help somebody, give back ...you just never know what you may get back in return. It might be a smile from the person you helped.  It might be a new friend.  It might be a new job.  You just can't know.  But it's guaranteed to be a good thing though.  Guaranteed. 

Just keep the circle going!

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