Monday, December 13, 2010

Making It

For a lot of people the definition of "making it" equals a nice paying job, a warm and comfy home, plenty of food, a good car, and some money in the bank for a few toys, vacation, and retirement. And if you've really made it you might even have a degree or two, a fancy title, and that corner office! Admittedly, it all sounds like a pretty good definition of making it—but at what cost?

I guess you could say I "made it"—if having a variety of the above is any indication. A high-paying job, fancy title, a nice big office along with all the perks that come with such things. Yes, I certainly had made it—especially when you consider my background.

I grew up in a "holler" back in the hills of West Virginia. Where the winding dirt road took you past shack-like houses desperately holding on to the crumbly hillside. The road curved right until you couldn't go any further right—nearly touching itself on the tail end before going left—a "kiss your ass" curve, I heard them called. Twelve Pole creek ran along the other side of the road—a swift current, carving the land and sometimes flooding houses, like ours, sitting just above the muddy banks. We got indoor plumbing just as I entered first grade, I was five. We finally had "city water" by the time I was ten or so. Our house was always being built, while at the same time falling down. Number eight of nine kids, I've spent my entire life trying to "make it" out of that holler.  

Although, I did finally "make it" I was having a hard time accepting "it" as "the" it. Was "this" really "it"—the "thing" people longed for, what I longed for? Was this what it's like outside the confines of holler-life? Really? After a long and steady career, albeit, a good one, it lacked that "thing" I'd longed for back in the day when I lived in such isolation. Paradoxically, I found myself feeling stuck, isolated, confined, once again.

In light of my upbringing, I found myself feeling guilty for thinking this way—desiring something even better. But, I wanted a life doing work I loved—work that added a little extra kick in my step every now and again. I'd worked diligently for many years and had established a solid career—what was wrong? How ungrateful of me to no longer want "it". But, all I knew was that something inside of me was dying; numbing my senses. After a few wake-up calls, I started paying attention and responded to them one baby step at a time.

I attended classes, lectures, workshops and own more self-help books than anyone I know, hundreds. My book shelves are literally overflowing with "how-to" do this or that or what to do when this or that happens.  These books have been a wonderful aid, but in the end, my inspiration was found, not from anyone else, but that kid from the holler. Not until I stopped and got to know her a little better did I find the courage, belief—and inspiration—to seek my true calling. With shear will and determination she did it, she "made it". How in the world did she do that—get from "there" to "here"? Just like some of the self-help authors I'd read, I felt a strong need to meet this person. She inspired me! It was time to get to know her. Getting to knowing her, ME, has, quite literally, transformed my life.

We've each accomplished or overcome great things in life. You have certainly done at least one thing in life to make your situation better. What was it and how did you do it? If you can draw on this, get reacquainted with that person, a renewed sense of energy and clarity will come to propel you even further toward your true calling, your Truth, I like to say. She—the "you" that "made it"—is the teacher, trusted friend, or confidant you've been craving. To help find this person think about these questions. When you were stuck or faced with an obstacle, how did you move through it? What was holding you back? What strength did you draw on? How did you get to the high points in your life? Who did you lean on? Answering these questions move you, not "away" from something, but "toward" your Truth. We need strong community and should lean on the trusted souls around us, but, ultimately, no one but you can really "make it" happen. It all comes back to that will and determination inside of you!

We each have different reasons for postponing the act of "living our truth"—mine was a combination of things, but mostly guilt. I had it good and logic said, "stay put, you have a secure and stable life just like you always wanted". Good God girl, you've "made it" out of that holler! I felt as if I were disrespecting God himself by giving up my job. After all, I had come a long way baby! Eventually, though, the consequences—which included stress-related illnesses and a couple of "close-call" accidents—won over as I was forced to surrender to the guilt and let my heart take the lead. Miraculously, God provided even more abundance and more gifts as I kept saying yes to meet each new opportunity. That's the way it works! Saying "yes" is like putting in your order off the menu of life. The Universe is waiting, listening. And you can be as detailed as you like; the more specific the better, in fact.

If you are not happy with your work, regardless of how you got there or how "good" you have it, I urge you to start taking a look at some clues, your feelings and energy level, and begin working with them. One thing I did was ask myself a basic question and began the task of designing my life to support the answer. The question was simple: what do I love? My answer was threefold and came easily as I sat quietly with pen in hand. Write, teach, and serve. These answers were based on what I knew gave me that "kick" I was looking for. Although maybe not the most brilliant writer at times, I loved it and had always known this about myself. I had been given various opportunities to teach both in my career and through volunteer work—so I already knew I loved teaching. My love for working in service to others was proven through volunteering I'd done over the years. So, I knew my answers, but only found them through the process of living my life, all of it. Through paying attention to which activities shifted my emotions and energy did I find the answers that led me toward my Truth.

Today, my newly-designed life aligns perfectly with my answers. I am writing my first book and have more in the queue. My new business in the healing arts gives me the privilege of working in service to others, where I enjoy regular teaching opportunities.

Would I say I have finally "made it"? Well, yes, but I say that with caution. I've learned that to say you've "made it" blocks more abundance from entering your life. Instead, we must approach each day with gratitude for what we've "made" so far and work to create more with each new day. I've learned the importance to "make it" toward something that inspires you instead of away from something that doesn't. Putting effort "toward" something increases the positive energy—pulling you toward your true calling. It is called the law of magnetism—whatever you focus on is what you draw into your life. And, yes, there are many books on the "law of magnetism" and I do recommend reading a few. But, chances are, you've already been attracting many things; you just didn't realize it was "you" in the driver's seat! All your thoughts are requests off life's menu. Imagine just for one day that every single thought you have will manifest into physical form. What would your day look like? Change your thoughts, change your ability to "make it" or not.

In order to really "make it" we've got to understand that all our roles and experiences in life are created by us—all of them—and they're chockfull of lessons. We ourselves, are the wellspring of knowledge on "how to" do anything! We alone have the answers, but we must first find the courage to lift the veil of delusion if we expect to benefit from the wisdom beneath.

For example, without my previous job—the one I thought I hated—I would not have gained the understanding, appreciation, or perspective to help others or skills to run a business. If you are in a job you hate, learn to love the aspects of it that could aid your next gig. If you don't know what that next gig is, just know that every moment with every person, experience, or situation, offers something to take forward as you work to "make it". Honor your accomplishments. Discover yourself all over again.

And you don't have to quit your job to follow your dream. You can do it in parallel, like I did. You may eventually decide to leave your current job, but for now, just use it as a place to gain new skills and sustain your preferred lifestyle as you design your new one. Remove any pressures or expectations from others who are telling you to just up and quit! That's OK advice for some, but only do this if it feels right—each person is individual. We all have our own speed for driving on the freeway; and it's the same in life—drive at a speed that's comfortable for "you". You will then arrive at your destination fully prepared, with a sense of balance, great satisfaction and peace.

Making it of course does include the comforts of a nice home, car, food, and the like. But you've only partially made it if you're sacrificing your Truth to get it—that is to say, doing work you don't love. Some people can get along just fine in this role, but, if you're like me, a delusion-filled life strips away the one "thing" I've always wanted—a sense of purpose and meaning.

In the spirit of—"out with the old and in with the new"—as the year comes to a close, bring your awareness to what you love, what you want to go "toward" and then design your plan of action. I recently made a detailed schedule as I prepare for the new year. It has helped me clarify how I wish to spend each day. Without doing this exercise, the time I've gained from leaving my old career likely would have been taken up with non-essential, low -priority, tasks that do not support my next stab at "making it". The task of writing all my activities down on paper was quite humbling and forced me to set priorities. I encourage you to give it a try. It's harder, and also more helpful, than you might think!

What a blessing to witness another person joyfully "making it" while living their Truth! My wish this Holiday season is the gift of witnessing you "Speak Your Truth". That's all I want for Christmas :o)

***If you want to learn more about some of the tools that have helped me move through one transition after another come to my next Chakra Talk class—Speaking Your Truth—this Wednesday, December 15, 7:00 PM at East West Bookshop of Seattle. The cost is only $10.00. Or, contact me via my web site. I am happy to give you some tips, answer questions, or provide resources to help point you in the right direction.

***I have also decided to offer a 3-month mentoring program where we'll cover not only energy medicine basics, but also how to connect with your true calling, and how to start your own healing practice. If you are interested, please let me know and I will provide details.

***I will be teaching my last "Chakra Talk!" class of the year at East West Bookshop in Seattle on December 15 at 7:00PM. We will be discussing the 5th Chakra — Speaking Your Truth! For more information or to sign up visit,

Also, look for information on how to meditate and other helpful tools at my "Trinity of Truth" web site,

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Speak Your Truth!

One of the most beautiful examples I've witnessed of someone 'speaking their truth' is my nephew, Karson. He began playing the fiddle around the age of five. Without the ability to read music, it was clear to everyone that Karson's 'truth' lay in the act of playing that instrument. Without hesitation, he joyfully expressed heartfelt, soulful music. And not only did he play, Karson would sing with all his might from the depths of his being. Completely oblivious of ego or judgment; he epitomized speaking ones' truth.

What would you do if you knew you would not be judged or criticized? What would you do if you knew you could not fail? What would you do if you had the love and support of community — friends and family? What if you lived your Truth with abandon, without regard to what others think? What would that look like?

Living from this place of abandon improves the wellbeing of our entire energetic system. And when we have healthy energy centers, we find courage to try new things, revive old passions, we come alive! We may even learn to do things we never thought possible. And the more we feed our energy system by taking right action — living in alignment with our Truth, our purpose — the more resistant we become to dis-ease.

Let's take a look at how integrating all energy centers support "Living Your Truth". As you read below think about how your mind, body, and spirit feel with regard to living "your" Truth. Do you feel stuck, unworthy, alone or excited, joyful, ecstatic? Also think about what or who may be holding you back from fully living it (your Truth). These are all clues to help you decide what next step to take to get your life in balance and find a sense of peace and wellness.

1. The root chakra is important because of its role in helping us find and sustain a sense of community. When we have community (family, friends, like-minded groups) we are more likely to take risks (to live our Truth) because we have a place to fall if it (the risk) doesn't turn out the way we hoped. We know we're not alone.

Possible action step: Volunteer with a non-profit organization related to something you love, skilled at, or just curious about . This is a great way to not only give back, but meet people of like mind and build your community (and open new doors of opportunity!).

2. The creative second chakra drives us toward our passions. When we find ourselves engaged in activity where time seems to fly by, our second chakra is being replenished, and we're given a hint at what may accelerate us toward our Truth. With a strong vibration in the sacral region we have "light bulb" moments and reminded of that "thing" that brings us alive!

Possible action step: attend a class in a subject of interest or make a trip to an art store and pick up some painting supplies. Try new things - you never know what may click or who you may meet!

3. The third chakra is at the core of living our Truth because doing so requires courage, will, and determination — all third chakra characteristics. Although at the core for attaining "Truth", energy from all other centers are needed. For example, we find courage to take the first step when we are supported by community, our root chakra. Married with passion from our creative second chakra we are driven to take one more step, then another, and another.

Possible action step: think of one thing that gives you butterflies — asking someone out, public speaking, or giving a presentation at work, for instance. Practice, practice, practice, then do it anyway! Special tip: try it on a voice recorder first.

4. Living from our heart center literally releases love into the world, touching and healing others without even trying. When we express love toward ourselves, others automatically feel an authenticity in our presence, making them feel good when around us. It's the law of magnetism - love attracts more love.

Possible action step: do one 'random act of kindness' this week. Ideas: pay for someone's coffee, food, parking or toll in line behind you — they won't even know until you're way out of sight! So exciting and fun!

5. The throat chakra IS about speaking and living your Truth. The more you speak your Truth, the higher vibration you'll have in this energy center. Think about it, the more you do something, the better you are the next go 'round — the same holds true here. The more you joyfully express yourself, the easier it is next time. And you'll come at it each time with more vigor, passion, and confidence than the time before. With third chakra will, the mere act of just doing (living/speaking), one action at a time, propels you toward your Truth.

Possible action step: say no next time you are asked to do something you really "don't" want to do. It requires no explanation - simply say, thank you for asking, but I am not available. Don't do things if they're not from your heart (because you are not fully available ...and it depletes your energy). Instead, spend extra time doing one thing you know you love - do it a lot this week!

6. Using sixth chakra insight and trusting intuition makes living our Truth easier, more fun, and speeds up the process! I call it driving in the Trinity of Truth "fast lane". Speeding by the slow drivers on the freeway we tend not to care what they think. We head directly for our destination and know exactly how to get there. With a healthy sixth chakra, when we get a 'hit' that says, "YES, I want to do "that" - we do it! We drive ahead in the fast lane. We muster up all energies, despite what others say or do, and trust our internal GPS system to guide us — knowing it (our intuition) knows best!

Possible action step: next time you get a "fleeting" thought or "familiar" feeling - go with it! Don't second guess your instincts; trust your gut. If you want to save an empty box but don't know why, do it anyway. You never know, you may need a box exactly that size and shape in a few weeks to ship a Christmas gift! Trust all vibes — you might not know why in the moment, but you will later!

7. And then there's Spirit. When we live our Truth or aspire to do so, our Spirit kicks into high gear giving us momentum to keep going. With every action, we find courage to "take a leap of faith" because we've come to know, intuitively, that every action toward our Truth, is proof that we mean it. Each time we show Spirit that we are at least willing to search for our Truth, we are in turn given little bonuses for effort. I call these bonuses karma points and each point clears out years of (karmic) debt. Each karma point is like an HOV pass where you get to whiz past the other drivers who are stuck in a rush-hour traffic jam!

Possible action step: set five minutes aside every day to meditate. Choose a 'realistic' time of day and sit every day for 2 weeks at approximately the same time (this helps form a habit). Incorporate the mantra: "I am peace". On each inhalation say "I am". With each exhalation say "peace". Meditation puts us in touch with Spirit where we (intuitively) receive guidance. For guidance on "how to meditate' see my "Trinity of Truth" blog at

If my nephew had been deprived of expressing himself he might be sitting here reading this and trying to remember what brings him joy. But, instead, because his parents celebrated his innate desire for music, Karson is recognized as one of the best fiddle players in Kentucky for not only his age group, but among older competitors as well. This may seem a bit superficial at first, but on the contrary. On an energetic level, Karson has gained the following knowledge: with a sense of community (family) it is safe to "go for it" in life; creative expression brings one into alignment with natural-born talents; courage and confidence develops the more you "go for it"', as in performing in front of others; love for one's Truth is love for one's Self; speaking and living one's Truth out loud (literally) brings ultimate joy; knowing one's Truth and following it enhances intuition; and getting lost in the essence of joy merges us with Spirit, our eventual Truth. Whether Karson knows it yet or not, he has gained lessons that support the rest of his life — on a physical and mental level, and more importantly, on an energetic (spiritual) level.

When we are not so blessed to have such love and support like my nephew, or limited in what we can or can't do, over time the part of us that wishes to do "that" thing, which brings us alive, goes into hiding. Thankfully, it never dies, it just goes into hiding. When not encouraged to speak our truth from an early age, without knowing it, we alienate our soul's calling, our Truth. We grow up feeling empty; filled with an unclear sense of direction or not knowing what brings us joy. We simply forget. And there begins a life without purpose, and where dis-ease sets in. Soon, life takes hold as we settle for a "comfortable" living while all the while battling the various challenges. The hard part now, though, is to be brave enough to uncover that hidden desire. We must reveal it so the light can shine, luring it out. Just as a flower needs the sun's rays to blossom, so, too, do our desires need exposure to come alive. It takes courage to remove the seemingly protective coating, but if we expect to live our Truth it is essential.

Give this a try. The next time you see someone "living it up" — be it singing, playing music, dancing, painting, teaching a class, or flying an airplane — check in with your feelings. Does the mere sight of these things arouse something inside you? If so, this is a little hint of what you might be doing if you were to give yourself a little freedom and permission to "live your Truth".

While reading through the above examples did you notice any particular sensations? Take note and use this information to help you make decisions about next steps. For example, did it make you feel warm inside at the thought of randomly paying for someone's coffee or toll? Did you become curious about what color of paint to buy or class to attend? Does the thought of public speaking scare you to death! This is how you find out how to unblock your energy so you can unlock (and live) your Truth!

Living our "Truth" doesn't lie in the act of doing any of these things, per se. But the mere doing does put us into the flow with Spirit. In this place, our senses are heightened, we fall into a receptive state (saying yes to opportunities) and then, all of a sudden, everything — miraculously — starts falling into place! We start encountering people and situations that align with what we desire. This happens because we make ourselves, our desires, known. When we do this and stay in the flow "coincidences" happen. It is uncanny, you might say.

And lastly, if, like my nephew, you are blessed with community that encourages you to speak your Truth and follow your dreams, go right now and give the responsible person ('s) a hug, email, or phone call to say thank you. Their heart center will flourish will yours :o).

***I will be teaching my last "Chakra Talk!" class of the year at East West Bookshop in Seattle on December 15 at 7:00PM. We will be discussing the 5th Chakra — Speaking Your Truth! For more information or to sign up visit,

Also, look for information on how to meditate and other helpful tools at my "Trinity of Truth" web site,

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

November Rain

Feeling frustrated, I recently said to a friend in email, "I could just cry ...but I won't!". She soon replied with some words of wisdom along with a note "And it's OK to cry sometimes". I knew she was right and immediately realized I was being too hard on myself.

I had been feeling disappointed in myself for not making more progress on an important writing project I was working on. Although I really did feel like crying, I was not willing to give in to the feeling of defeat crying would bring. But, reading my friend's words reminded me that tears are not a bad thing and do not equal defeat, but are actually very necessary sometimes. Just as the rain washes, purifies, and balances the earth and it's many elements, so, too, do our tears wash, purify, and balance our hearts.

Sitting there with a sense of gloom, I listened as the rain pounded my roof. It was the heavy and forceful rains of November; driving hard into the earth, running over the steep eaves of my house. I imagined each drop absorbing and removing thick residue in the air. I then imagined tears cleansing the sadness of my heart - being replenished with forgiveness, peace, unconditional love.

Our heart center holds negative energy when we're too hard on ourselves causing us to love (ourselves and others) with "conditions". The opposite is to love "unconditionally" - that is to say, without expectations. I will love you more "if or when" this or that is accomplished, for instance. In the case of my writing, or lack of, I was judging myself because I held a certain expectation and when I didn't meet it, I had unkind (unloving) thoughts toward myself. I even started making up excuses of 'why' I wasn't making more progress, which generally involved blaming someone else. Resentment sets in when we blame others. It is one of the most toxic feelings we can hold and the hardest to let go of. That is, until we realize that what other people do, don't do, say, or don't say, has nothing to do with us. Ever! Anytime we blame someone else for our suffering and then expect them to 'fix it' - when they don't, we resent them. But, the problem is, they can't, they shouldn't, and they never will.

If I feel, for example, that someone is robbing me of my precious writing time, it isn't their fault; it's mine. It's my responsibility to set boundaries, and hold them. It isn't their duty to determine my writing schedule. It is always my choice how I spend my time and with whom I share it.

I wanted to cry for two reasons. The first, and more frustrating, reason was because I wasn't getting my writing done. The second, and more troubling, reason was because I was harboring a bit of resentment toward others because they were 'taking' my time. Uh, umm, wait a minute! These are the people that love and support me and vice versa - no matter what! Sharing time with the people I love is the most important thing in my entire life! Problem was that I was over-committing and not doing a good job of setting boundaries. I was left with 'stolen moments' to write as I was stealing time from writing to be with my family. When with my family, I was not fully present because of my sense of disappointment as a writer. I was in a no-win situation as I was pulled in too many directions to do just one thing to the best of my ability. I was fully primed for a good ole cry.

Finally, with permission to cry, my tears lightened the weight of my heart. The knot in my chest released - replaced with a sense of forgiveness, understanding, acceptance, peace. Just as the rain lifts the heaviness from the air, tears somehow lift the load from one's heart. It can be magical once we embrace crying as a cleansing process instead of viewing it as a weakness. I once read that tears are God's way of cleansing and purifying our soul. I believe this is true if we approach the act of crying as a release, as an opportunity to let go and just be.

Have you ever noticed how bright the sun is after a good hard rain? The heavy gray clouds have gone, the air is fresher, the green is greener. That's what happens inside our heart center when we release the tension, the blockage, by giving ourselves permission to cry. The heaviness is lifted - allowing us to see and feel more clearly. We might then be reminded of how it feels to love or be loved unconditionally. This perspective helps us see ourselves and others in a different light where we are able to find forgiveness through understanding. We find acceptance, where we then feel peace.

Sometimes you might be in a funk and just need a good cry. Sometimes, you might feel violated or deeply saddened by someone else's actions. Either way, accept what is. Feel what you're feeling and see the situation with acceptance; see the other person as having complete autonomy from you. They are accountable not to you, but to themselves, same as you and me. And don't blame others. We are all interdependent, yes, but must first be independent to flourish collectively.

If you are lucky enough to live in a place where you get a little rain every now and then - or a lot (like Seattle!) - use it as a reminder that crying is as natural as the rain itself. Accept your feelings so they may surface, be cleansed and released. Cry, nurture, and love yourself. Then, sit quietly in meditation asking Spirit to renew your every cell while imagining each raindrop replenishing you with light, love, forgiveness, unconditional love.

And remember that it's OK to cry.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Kundalini Sunrise

The view from my cabin in the woods faces east, offering picture-perfect sunrises. The ever-increasing glow over the horizon awakens me from a peaceful night of slumber. Snuggled warmly under the covers, I watch the sky turn from red to orange as the sun works its way over the distant mountains. The changing light glistening off the still waters of the bay beckon me to climb out of bed as the day also comes to. My heart picks up pace as I anticipate the yellow ball of power about to burst over the peaks. The sun will soon shine on this piece of earth; awakening the day, bringing light into the gray as darkness eases away. Sparkling like a crystal chandelier, dew dances with the light as it clings to the intricate work of an orb-weaving spider that's been busy outside my door. The sun has risen. Thirsty for a drink of light, the trees reach tall into the sky welcoming the energy that sustains them. I climb out of bed - awake and ready for a new day!

Our body's energy rises much like the rising of the sun. Starting at the base of our spine, near our root chakra, lies a powerful energy called Kundalini. And like the first hint of red with the breaking dawn, the root chakra, too, vibrates to the color red. Kundalini energy is what ultimately allows one to reach enlightenment. And just like the sun hiding behind the hills as we sleep, kundalini lies resting awaiting us to call it up. As kundalini rises, it awakens one chakra at a time, igniting the unique power that resides in each.

Like the sunrise and its magnificent show of colors, I've noticed our lower three energy centers follow the same pattern. At the root, we have red, then a little further up, just below the navel, we have an energy center that vibrates to the color orange, and then up yet further around and above the navel, is where our 'power' energy center is located. This power center holds the color yellow, like the sun. As the power of the sun sustains all life on earth, the power of kundalini in the third energy center sustains us; quite literally since the third chakra governs our relationship to Self. And it is our relationship to Self which allows us to remain in our "power place" as we embrace the gifts and challenges in everyday life.

A great exercise to awaken the body and claim its power is to imagine the sun residing in your very core. Try visualizing a sunrise in your body to help awaken and raise your kundalini, bringing its vibration to your third chakra (your power center) as you start your day. This technique has been claimed to reduce ones need for caffeine if used in the morning (really!).

I will take you through a short exercise to show you how it works.

Some guidelines: sit in a comfortable position in a chair with feet flat on the floor or cross-legged with your spine erect, chin parallel to the floor, and hands resting palms up in your lap or on your thighs. With closed eyes, maintain a gaze at the point just between the eyebrows. Do this as if you are looking out ahead awaiting the sun to rise over a distant hill. Keep your focus here as much as possible as you also imagine the energy rising in your body.

Starting with the root energy center, feel your bottom on the floor or chair and gently allow your minds-eye to see the color red at the base of your spine. Let this color vibrate and stir as when stretching your body at the first glimpse of day. Feel its movement begin to stir as it uncoils from lying dormant, filling your entire lower body with energy. See this energy as red and feel it as warm. Feel it growing warmer with each breath.

Now, allow the color orange to vibrate just below the navel while maintaining the red vibration at the base of the spine and lower body. Feel the warmth of the glowing red embers in the lower root chakra as you gently pull the flame upward along the spine. Feel the energy penetrate this lower pelvic area and see the color orange. See it glowing and pulsating. Allow the vibration to awaken all the cells and organs in this region of your body as you once again call it even higher.

Finally, allow the energy to rise as you imagine the color yellow. While maintaining the vibration and colors in the lower two centers, let the color yellow and higher vibration settle into your midsection around and above your navel. Now, imagine the sun is within you! See your body radiating the glow of a ball of sunshine - beaming out from every cell, yet centered in your midsection. Breathe in the energy at this center. With will and determination, breathe in the power of the sun and claim its strength and vitality.

Now, tense your midsection just briefly as you breathe in and with an exhalation, relax and feel the flow of energy go ever deeper through your entire body. Do this three times. With the first tension and breath say, mind, and imagine the energy is clearing your mind, burning out any unwanted thoughts as they evaporate as a drop of water might evaporate in the heat of the sun. With the second round, on the inhalation, say, body; allowing the vibration to run through every vein in your circulatory system, clearing out any heaviness that may be weighting you down. Feel the lightness of your body as it is cleared of residue. With the last round, say, spirit, and feel the crown of your head open to receive even more light as you inhale. With the exhalation sense the pureness of light as it replenishes your entire Being with love. Now, return to normal gentle breathing. Just let your breath come and go naturally.

Sit with this image for a few minutes. See red, orange, and yellow glowing as intensely as a sunrise in your lower three energy centers, while allowing mind, body, and spirit to work in harmony. Feel the warmth and glow at each center. Claim it as your own.

When you are ready, allow the energy to stabilize as you become aware of your surroundings. Feel your bottom on the surface, wiggle your fingers and toes. Feel the energy running through your body and as you open your eyes, see the day in its new light!

Allow kundalini's power to charge you up as you face each day. Carry it with you as you encounter difficulties. Share it with others as you shine like a beacon of light. If someone does something to offend you, allow your "sunlight" to counter their action and reply to them from your place of power with love. Stay in your power place by seeing yourself as the sun. Know that within you radiates pure love as powerful as the sun itself.

A few aspects of the third chakra include will, determination, self-trust, empowerment, and confidence. Imagine the power of "you" when living from your place of power. Engage the third chakra energy by claiming the light that sustains you! Embrace it and embrace you!

The above is a sampling from my upcoming meditation CD which will include the full "Kundalini Sunrise" meditation. Release date, TBD (but soon!).

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Extra! Read All About It! - Class on How To Open Your Own Healing Practice!

About a year ago the idea of offering a class on how to open your own healing practice came to me.

After being asked numerous times, "how did you do it? ...go from 'there' (the corporate world) to 'here' (energy medicine?) and repeating the same answer over and over, the 'aha' light-bulb-moment came. I'll just answer the question in a group setting, I'll offer a class!

The Universe was calling; more inquiries came. In addition to being asked the 'how did you do it' question on a regular basis, I was being approached by several people (many also from the corporate world) about mentoring them to work in the field of energy medicine.

In March I proposed the idea to the event coordinator at the bookstore where I teach other classes and, with great enthusiasm, she immediately said, yes, do it, we need that! With the economy down and people looking for new ideas and opportunities, it is needed, she added. We were in agreement! Next step was to submit a proposal.

Although I submitted the original proposal last spring, it was decided to postpone so I could focus on my other classes through the summer. Postponing, it turns out, was serendipitous indeed; it allowed the idea to brew a bit more where I had the thought to invite a friend join me in teaching the class. When I asked my friend, Betsy, she thought it was a great idea and was excited to be a part of it! We got to work on tweaking the original proposal and resubmitted to the bookstore. Now, nearly a full year after the initial idea came to me, a new class is birthed.

The class is now, at last, scheduled! It will be held next Saturday, September 18 at 10:30 AM at East West Bookshop of Seattle.

My partner for class is a good friend and colleague, Betsy Gutting, Intuitive Life Coach. And we are thrilled to be offering a "2-for-1", doubling the knowledge of two people in one class! Betsy has a similar story to mine; like me, she left her corporate job to work in service to others. Together, we bring a wealth of knowledge on how to move toward creating the work you love!

If you or someone you know is looking for some inspiration to start a practice, this class will provide valuable information on what steps to take. Come learn from our lessons, gain wisdom, and move through that one thing that may be holding you back!

Betsy and I will each share our experiences with regard to "how we did it". To give you a little taste of what to expect, below is a sampling of some of the things I will share with regard to "how I did it".

1. Training. After completing an intensive Reiki workshop, I was attuned at the Master level. This provided the launching pad for me. I will share information on where to receive Reiki training and make suggestions on other energy medicine modalities.

2. Business name. What would I call myself, my practice, my new business? After a few minutes of asking myself some basic questions, what am I doing, where am I doing it, and so on, the name 'Seattle Energy Medicine' came to mind. From there, I bought the domain name, obtained a city of Seattle business license, and traded the name with WA state trade association. I had no idea how to do any of this! It was literally one step leading to another.

3. Insurance. Did I need it? Yes!

4. A space. Many people are quite successful and comfortable working out of their home, but this didn't appeal to me. I had no idea how to find a space; again, I took the first step, which led to the next. I found my space. I will share what those steps were and provide all my resources.

The above are but a few items to be discussed at the class. Please join Betsy and me as we share all our resources on how to help you be successful in your ventures to start your own practice!

Further event information is available by visiting East West Bookshop at 6500 Roosevelt Way, NE, Seattle, WA 98125 or by phone at 206-523-3726. You may also read more about the event and pre-register online for $20 (a savings of $5) at Cost is $25 at the door. Register early to save on costs and reserve your seat!

Hope to see you there!

Ruth's web site:
Betsy's web site:

Saturday, September 11, 2010

September Newsletter: Chakra Talk! - Creative Expression

Irony and Paradox. I love these words and the curious stories behind them. Recently, I found them to be especially appropriate to sum up a funny thing that happened. I had to miss my chakra class in August - "Chakra Talk! Creative Expression" for a very "creative" reason. And the "creative" energy quite literally kept "creating" more changes and opportunities for others! The Universe proved its power as one thing after another manifested, "because of" the thing before it; sort of like the butterfly effect I guess.

All the while as I was planning my lesson for class, in the back of my mind I was thinking, what if I can't make it, what if I have to cancel, what will I do, what will the bookstore and participants think? Even though my intuition told me I'd be missing the class, I used 'creative visualization' to see myself there; walking back and forth in front of the class, talking about chakras, the participants listening to every word, me answering their questions, feeling the space, in a room which I was so familiar. I really imagined myself there with all my might. With enough will and determination, I thought, perhaps I could influence one of God's most powerful creations. My class on 'creation' was scheduled for a Tuesday at 7:00. My daughter was admitted to the hospital on Monday where she 'created' (gave birth to) a beautiful baby boy that evening at 6:02 PM.

Late Monday afternoon I called the bookstore where I was to teach the class and gave them the news: my daughter would be delivering her baby that evening and I'd be unable to teach the following day. They, of course, completely understood and expressed their complete joy and happiness for us. But I also had a "creative' solution and asked if they were interested. Before I called the bookstore, a 'creative' idea bubbled up in my mind. I would contact my friend Kathleen, who also teaches classes there to see if she and a musician friend of hers would be interested in a last minute 'gig'. They hadn't held a class together that I knew of, but I imagined them as a natural fit. I had just attended a wonderful concert at Kathleen's cottage where Mark entertained us all with his lovely music and taught a wonderful chakra workshop. I was hopeful that this might be a better-than-perfect solution!

Turns out, Kathleen and Mark had been discussing the idea of "creating" and partnering on some classes! When I spoke with Kathleen we laughed at the irony of it all. They had been discussing the idea of creating an event together and my slot for teaching a class on the 'creative' second chakra was vacant because a baby was about to be birthed (created) in my life. Wow! She contacted Mark and within a few hours called me back to say, yes, they'd do it!

The class was a huge hit and the bookstore was very pleased for not only filling a hole in their schedule, but to fill it with such awesome talents!  I didn't have to cancel and had arranged an ideal backup plan - I was so relieved. I wanted to be there for my daughter with no distractions or the burdensome feeling of letting someone else down. Everything worked out beautifully for everyone. But I am disappointed that I missed Kathleen and Mark's first class together (I was busy supporting other creations, you see). They are both 'creatively creative' and share their wisdom with others in the most loving and honest approach I have ever witnessed. They are the 'real deal'. Keep an eye out for them: Kathleen Carerra and Mark Stanton Welch - bringing authentic joy and love into everything they create!

To maximize creative energy we must not allow potential roadblocks to interfere with our flow of ideas, insights, and wisdom; our intuition. When something seems like it isn't going to work out exactly how you have it in your mind, stop for a minute and ask yourself, what is the worst thing that can happen?

For example, I was worried about the timing of events, but I accepted the fact that I might need to cancel my class. In the big scheme of things, what was the most important thing? To be with my daughter where I wanted and needed to be. What was the worst thing that could have happened by choosing to be with her? The class would have been cancelled, would-be participants would have been disappointed, and the bookstore (and me) would have lost some revenue. The worst part though, was the idea of letting down the participants. This bothered me the most. But, still, I knew it would be OK, it had to be. I surrendered, turned it over to God, and many more wonderful things were created because I did.

If I had stayed home on the previous Saturday and not attended the workshop and concert with Mark at Kathleen's cottage, I would never had the idea to ask them to take my slot and teach. I woke with a terrible headache that morning and called my friend to say she'd have to go without me because I was just too ill. But there was a powerful, nagging, urge inside me that said I must go. It wouldn't let go. I took some pain meds, slowly got dressed, called my girlfriend back and said I'd go. The day was filled with healing, friendship, love, and was at the heart of the additional upcoming 'creative' events.

If I had said to my daughter, I'm sorry but I can't help you on Tuesday, I have to leave for several hours to teach a class, the outcome would have been less than perfect. I would have been heart sick at leaving her and the energy would have felt forced, and blocked, during the class. The class would not have been the best for the participants and my daughter would have felt my absence in her time of need.

I stepped aside. The Universe forged on - brining it all together perfectly.

I ended up spending the entire week with my daughter and her family. Bonds were deepened, trust was reinforced, and memories were 'created' that I'll cherish for a lifetime.

The lesson in this story is about not resisting the natural force of creation. Sometimes we simply need to step out of the way, our own way, to allow something different to manifest; something for the greatest good of all involved.

Sometimes, it's just not about us, when all the while, it is.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

August Newsletter: Chakra Talk! - Getting Grounded

In June, I started teaching a series of classes called Chakra Talk! which focus on the body's 7 major energy centers (chakras). With an emphasis on one particular chakra each month we progress through each energy center, from the first, or root, up to the seventh, or crown, chakra. A general overview of the 7 major chakras is provided at each class to ensure every participant has the right amount of knowledge to put things into context, more easily absorb the information, and enjoy the exercises throughout the class.

The July class was focused on the first energy center, also known as the Root Chakra. This chakra is all about getting, and staying, grounded. In the class, we talked about what it means to be grounded, shared some experiences that might throw us off center, did a few exercises, and even had some fun doing 'readings' on each other. The content of this newsletter supports the theme of our July class and what it means to be grounded.

To be grounded means to feel secure with where you are in any given moment or situation; it means to feel firmly planted, rooted if you will, so that 'stuff' doesn't affect you so much! For example, when we have a sense of community, family, and belonging, we feel secure, confident, and safe - grounded. When grounded, we feel balanced, sure of our footing, and more apt to maneuver life's bumps and detours with greater ease. But we can easily become off balance when something or someone pushes our buttons or life throws us a curve. And before we know it, we've moved our boundaries (to accommodate the needs of others) only to find ourselves feeling angry, scared, resentful, defended, and perhaps even hostile. These 'things' affect our overall energy-body causing us to feel unsafe, guarded, closed off, even violated. These (root) feelings then cause an imbalance in all other chakras, which is why a strong first chakra is so fundamental to achieving and maintaining the body's entire energetic system. We find a firm foundation, become grounded, by cultivating a healthy root chakra.

Change is a common example that can move us from a secure, safe place, to one that feels insecure, unstable, and even scary. We all experience change in life; sometimes it is by choice, but often it is by necessity or some sort of life event. And change comes in many forms; we switch jobs, partners, friends, and communities all the time. We lose loved ones or are diagnosed with life-threatening illnesses or an incurable disease. More challenging is when we have a combination of these things at once. And all these 'things' have the potential of taking us off center, where we lose our sense of safety, our sense of belonging, that feeling of being protected, grounded.

It was challenging for me to remain grounded as I transitioned out of my secure and stable job to work in the field of energy medicine. I had built a very solid career and had all the securities that come with nearly 25 years in the same industry. I knew in my heart it was time to move on, but had a heck of a time letting go of what I considered a 'safe' place. Watching my health deteriorate as I postponed my move, I grew fearful, resentful, and carried the burden of low self-esteem; a new feeling for me. I was letting myself down every day I got behind the wheel and drove myself to work. This went on for a couple of years. I knew I needed to make a change, but didn't feel safe outside this secure place I'd created, where I felt a sense of belonging, recognition, and value. Only after getting so ill I could barely think straight and being involved in several accidents, one "near miss" high-speed car wreck that landed me in Seattle's major trauma center, did I see that this 'safe' place was killing me.

I'd been spared, but "life" was getting my attention. As if to say, look at me! I was forced to turn within, where I humbly asked for Divine guidance. I knew this was the only thing that could really save me; the only place to find answers. My spirit had been lost in the chaos of racing to be a great employee and earn a fat paycheck. I eventually found my way back home, to my roots, to my Spirit, my foundation. As soon as I found my way back, I was able to take the first step, then the next, until I was finally strong enough, or maybe weak enough, to let go of what sustained me; I let go of my fancy title, the big office, all benefits - my safety net. A miraculous thing happened next. When I made myself available, when I surrendered, opportunities came flooding in, doors opened, new (like-minded) friends emerged; I'd found my new tribe, my new sense of belonging. It was instant. All I had to do is walk out of one door, my job, and into the next, the unknown. I say that as if it was easy, but it was one of the hardest things I've ever done; ranking up there with mountaineering and raising my daughter!

I could not have gone through such a major change and walked into the unknown without first getting to know myself on a deeper level; a spiritual level. Although I had always considered myself spiritual, I had not taken this part of myself serious enough, and, in retrospect, had actually been taking it for granted. Like so many people, I leaned on spirit during times of suffering and tended to put it aside when things were going 'well' as life just plugged along. But, when my health was in jeopardy, and life-threatening accidents were becoming a regular occurrence, spirit got my attention and gave me a final call to come back home. Out of breath, I ran, and I took the call. I listened to the guidance with all my senses, all my Being. I had to get myself back in balance. Even though I had a supportive husband and happy marriage, I still had no real sense of safety. There was something in 'me' that craved a deeper sense of belonging. I had work to do. I had to get grounded. Me, on my own, I had to do it. I deepened my yoga and meditation practice, learned about the body's energy system, and committed to never leaving 'home' again. I was finding my new tribe, my sense of belonging. I believe this saved my life.

In order to flow through these inevitable life-changes with a sense of peace, it is vitally important to know what it means to be grounded and work to sustain it. When we do this, we are better prepared to move 'with' life instead of against it. And change is not only inevitable, it is necessary, and in my opinion, ripe with opportunity. When we welcome change with an attitude of 'how this [event] might help me, make me stronger, or raise my awareness in some way', we find a sense of peace and life looks a little less scary. Sometimes a bit of curiosity even crops in. And when this happens, we start asking questions that help us uncover the root of a problem. We then have an opportunity to discover what may be holding us back or preventing us from standing firm in our place of belonging. Adding a sense of curiosity removes us from the situation for just a moment, allowing a fresh look, where we can see ourselves from a place of compassion. We do this by cultivating that sense of belonging; that place where it feels safe to step outside ourselves, detach, and observe with curiosity. The unknown then becomes familiar and beckons us to take another step. And before we know it, we are walking with confidence through the door of the unknown, only to find ourselves back home again.

Life isn't all about preparing for the 'inevitable' change though. Life is meant to be lived joyfully and with a sense of peace. But, the best way I know to do this is by getting the basics in order, the foundation, and then let it be. It is easier to 'let it be' when we know we've done our best to build solid ground for life's journey. Just like a house that has been retrofitted to withstand the 'big one' we can 'retrofit' ourselves by doing the basic work of getting our root chakra healthy. It is then easier to fall into that free-flowing state of joy. We can put our worries aside when we know we've done our best to cultivate a healthy environment that sustains our efforts of getting grounded. Prepare the basics, continually do the work on the root chakra, and let the other 'stuff' go. Then bask in the beauty around you, welcome change, and see the opportunities awaiting your arrival.

To continually reinforce the root chakra, it is necessary to have awareness of where we might feel a little weak, what action is needed to strengthen it, and to continually remind ourselves by writing an affirmation. Simple instructions on how to do this and tips on creating and sustaining a healthy root chakra can be found on my weekly blog.

The next Chakra Talk! class is about Creative Expression and will be held August 24 at East West Bookshop of Seattle. The focus will be the second chakra, which is about our relationship to other things (people, money, jobs, etc) and the more creative aspect of our Being. When we express ourselves creatively, relationships with everything and everyone come more naturally with a flavor of fun, and greater sense of ease. Come learn about the second chakra and how it can open you up to new possibilities!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

What is a joy-filled life?

Recently, I was asked some questions about how I contribute, or wish to, in a way that fills my life with joy. What does a person need to do in order to achieve this level of satisfaction? What does it take?

• Courage. Courage to take action when you recognize your life is not flowing in alignment with your authentic self. Courage to see challenges as opportunities for uncovering life's greatest lessons. Courage to know yourself completely and love every aspect no matter what. To be scared and do it anyway!

And assuming I have reached a sustained state of joy, how exactly did I get there?

• Although I am "there" more often than not, I am not "there" every moment of every day. To get there requires a certain amount of balancing the good with the bad and learning lessons along the way. In order to stay "there" most of the time, I think it is necessary to encounter situations that challenge us; it's like a test that requires all your brain cells - necessary to keep them sharp! It is like playing Sudoku! Each puzzle is a little bit harder, but with every completion, you gain confidence to turn the next page, and the next, until you reach expert level 'puzzles'. Life's challenges (puzzles) may get more difficult than the last just for this reason; to keep us interested in moving forward and giving us an opportunity to stretch ourselves a bit further. And these challenges also keep us humble; clearing our vision to see all the goodness around us in every moment.

Why am I here this life?

• To help my soul evolve. I believe our greatest task in life is coming to know our "Higher Self" and then using our human experience to help that Self maneuver through the 'test' it has been given here on earth. My soul chose me and my job is to be available, to surrender, if you will; acting as a mere channel, a conduit, for this energy to move through using whatever gifts, talents, and knowledge I have acquired "here" to help it on this journey.

What is my purpose (the million dollar question)?

• To be an open and receptive channel for Divine energy to work through me in helping others come to know themselves on a deeper level (where healing begins). To teach people how to be self-sufficient by providing tools and awareness, empowering them to help others in the same way. I am here to show others that life's 'challenges' need not hold you back, but propel you forward! I am here to show others that it is OK to take 'risks' in order to follow your heart's desires. I am here to show people that helping others is healing in itself. I am here as a conduit for my soul, its tool to work in service to others. I know this is true because when I work in service to others my heart sings with joy and I lose all sense of time!

What sort of impact do I want to make?

• Helping people get back in touch with what brings them alive and encourage them to share this (awakening) with others. I work daily to be cognizant of how I think, speak, and act and hope this quiet act challenges others to do the same. I wish to show others how to overcome adversity - how it can (and must) be done! Born number eight of nine into poverty presented many challenges early in life and taught me that suffering is merely a life-lesson, a tool, keeping me connected to my intuition (my soul). I believe that deep connection allows me to see the constant guidance which surrounds me. I have come to know that my ability to Thrive (despite the obstacles) is because I trust my intuition and am grateful for every experience (lesson) in my life. And I have come to know that when I Thrive so do those around me. I enjoy guiding others as they reconnect with their intuitive side (their Spirit) where they can live a more creative and authentic life. And watching others Thrive, as I welcome them 'home', pleases me very much. This makes for a joy-filled life!

How would you answer these questions?