Saturday, October 9, 2010

Kundalini Sunrise

The view from my cabin in the woods faces east, offering picture-perfect sunrises. The ever-increasing glow over the horizon awakens me from a peaceful night of slumber. Snuggled warmly under the covers, I watch the sky turn from red to orange as the sun works its way over the distant mountains. The changing light glistening off the still waters of the bay beckon me to climb out of bed as the day also comes to. My heart picks up pace as I anticipate the yellow ball of power about to burst over the peaks. The sun will soon shine on this piece of earth; awakening the day, bringing light into the gray as darkness eases away. Sparkling like a crystal chandelier, dew dances with the light as it clings to the intricate work of an orb-weaving spider that's been busy outside my door. The sun has risen. Thirsty for a drink of light, the trees reach tall into the sky welcoming the energy that sustains them. I climb out of bed - awake and ready for a new day!

Our body's energy rises much like the rising of the sun. Starting at the base of our spine, near our root chakra, lies a powerful energy called Kundalini. And like the first hint of red with the breaking dawn, the root chakra, too, vibrates to the color red. Kundalini energy is what ultimately allows one to reach enlightenment. And just like the sun hiding behind the hills as we sleep, kundalini lies resting awaiting us to call it up. As kundalini rises, it awakens one chakra at a time, igniting the unique power that resides in each.

Like the sunrise and its magnificent show of colors, I've noticed our lower three energy centers follow the same pattern. At the root, we have red, then a little further up, just below the navel, we have an energy center that vibrates to the color orange, and then up yet further around and above the navel, is where our 'power' energy center is located. This power center holds the color yellow, like the sun. As the power of the sun sustains all life on earth, the power of kundalini in the third energy center sustains us; quite literally since the third chakra governs our relationship to Self. And it is our relationship to Self which allows us to remain in our "power place" as we embrace the gifts and challenges in everyday life.

A great exercise to awaken the body and claim its power is to imagine the sun residing in your very core. Try visualizing a sunrise in your body to help awaken and raise your kundalini, bringing its vibration to your third chakra (your power center) as you start your day. This technique has been claimed to reduce ones need for caffeine if used in the morning (really!).

I will take you through a short exercise to show you how it works.

Some guidelines: sit in a comfortable position in a chair with feet flat on the floor or cross-legged with your spine erect, chin parallel to the floor, and hands resting palms up in your lap or on your thighs. With closed eyes, maintain a gaze at the point just between the eyebrows. Do this as if you are looking out ahead awaiting the sun to rise over a distant hill. Keep your focus here as much as possible as you also imagine the energy rising in your body.

Starting with the root energy center, feel your bottom on the floor or chair and gently allow your minds-eye to see the color red at the base of your spine. Let this color vibrate and stir as when stretching your body at the first glimpse of day. Feel its movement begin to stir as it uncoils from lying dormant, filling your entire lower body with energy. See this energy as red and feel it as warm. Feel it growing warmer with each breath.

Now, allow the color orange to vibrate just below the navel while maintaining the red vibration at the base of the spine and lower body. Feel the warmth of the glowing red embers in the lower root chakra as you gently pull the flame upward along the spine. Feel the energy penetrate this lower pelvic area and see the color orange. See it glowing and pulsating. Allow the vibration to awaken all the cells and organs in this region of your body as you once again call it even higher.

Finally, allow the energy to rise as you imagine the color yellow. While maintaining the vibration and colors in the lower two centers, let the color yellow and higher vibration settle into your midsection around and above your navel. Now, imagine the sun is within you! See your body radiating the glow of a ball of sunshine - beaming out from every cell, yet centered in your midsection. Breathe in the energy at this center. With will and determination, breathe in the power of the sun and claim its strength and vitality.

Now, tense your midsection just briefly as you breathe in and with an exhalation, relax and feel the flow of energy go ever deeper through your entire body. Do this three times. With the first tension and breath say, mind, and imagine the energy is clearing your mind, burning out any unwanted thoughts as they evaporate as a drop of water might evaporate in the heat of the sun. With the second round, on the inhalation, say, body; allowing the vibration to run through every vein in your circulatory system, clearing out any heaviness that may be weighting you down. Feel the lightness of your body as it is cleared of residue. With the last round, say, spirit, and feel the crown of your head open to receive even more light as you inhale. With the exhalation sense the pureness of light as it replenishes your entire Being with love. Now, return to normal gentle breathing. Just let your breath come and go naturally.

Sit with this image for a few minutes. See red, orange, and yellow glowing as intensely as a sunrise in your lower three energy centers, while allowing mind, body, and spirit to work in harmony. Feel the warmth and glow at each center. Claim it as your own.

When you are ready, allow the energy to stabilize as you become aware of your surroundings. Feel your bottom on the surface, wiggle your fingers and toes. Feel the energy running through your body and as you open your eyes, see the day in its new light!

Allow kundalini's power to charge you up as you face each day. Carry it with you as you encounter difficulties. Share it with others as you shine like a beacon of light. If someone does something to offend you, allow your "sunlight" to counter their action and reply to them from your place of power with love. Stay in your power place by seeing yourself as the sun. Know that within you radiates pure love as powerful as the sun itself.

A few aspects of the third chakra include will, determination, self-trust, empowerment, and confidence. Imagine the power of "you" when living from your place of power. Engage the third chakra energy by claiming the light that sustains you! Embrace it and embrace you!

The above is a sampling from my upcoming meditation CD which will include the full "Kundalini Sunrise" meditation. Release date, TBD (but soon!).