Saturday, June 25, 2011

Getting Into the Slipstream of Cosmic Consciousness

On the path to better wellness and happiness we sometimes get tired of searching and just want someone else to tell us what to do. Sometimes it just feels like too much work to be happy! I've had several clients say to me, "But I'm just not interested in doing more "work"...I work all day and I want "this" (better health and happiness) to just be there." Well, that's understandable, and I have felt that way myself, but the fact is, no one can give us a magic potion or make "it" go away---each of us must take control and, yes, do some work. Taking control requires that we make at least some small effort, if we truly wish to improve our circumstances.

Let's say, you want to find that perfect mate, for example. You complain that you're lonely and you just can't find common ground with the people you meet. Most relationships you have all feel like a dead-end. You fall into a "what's the use" sort of attitude and become somewhat of a loner. Then you start feeling "left out" or "passed over" and perhaps take on the role of victim. Again, this is understandable, and I can tell you it happens to a lot people, so don't feel bad, just listen up here for a minute! The way out of this vicious cycle is twofold: 1) Stop complaining and 2) get yourself out there!

Getting out there is doing "the work" and the not complaining is simply an attitude adjustment. Imagine that all living things are connected and each living thing responds to every other living thing. Now, think about how your "poor ole me" attitude, sitting at home moping about will be received by the greater whole---the cosmic vibration---that you, and the rest of us, are connected to. Your every thought (also a living thing) and behavior will be received as "how you like it" to be and remain that way!

You see, the overall universal (cosmic) vibration considers us to have a high-level of intelligence and individual free will. Think of the universe (the energy around you and that which we are all connected to) as a responsive body of energy. This body of energy reads your thoughts as a request---because it respects your ability to think "how you wish it to be"---and responds in like. If you are feeling unworthy of the perfect mate, you will never find them. If you have thoughts of being the victim, you will continue being victimized.

On the other hand, if you do some work by seeking out groups of people you admire and hanging out with them, then you've changed your order, so to speak. The Universe now sees your order of "Oh, she wants to be with "this" type of energy" and begins to realign your surroundings to match that which you desire. It really is that simple.

The only thing you need to do is make yourself and your desires known. You make your desires known by getting into the slipstream of those you desire to be with. The momentum will soon kick in and take over. Your work is done!

Change your life by getting into the slipstream of cosmic consciousness and you will soon be in the slipstream of those you seek to be with. Once there, continue to think in terms of only those things and situations you desire. No need to think on the how, just see it as so. See the outcome as if it has already happened. If it has already happened, then you must know how it feels to experience it---get back into that feeling and really "work" to "feel" the experience. Engage all your senses: smell, it, see it, feel it, taste and hear it "in" it

I have several tips on how to get into the slipstream of cosmic consciousness and the energy of the those you seek to be with, but offer one fail-safe idea here. Volunteer!

Volunteering is at the top of my list for meeting good-hearted people who have common interests with you. Volunteering also provides a way for you to "get out of your own way" which magically transforms a heavy, closed-off, heart to one of openness, love and kindness. Hmm, isn't that what you want in a mate? See how this works? Once you get into the energy of that which you desire, what you desire comes to you. It is the law of magnetism. Like attracts like.

If you're looking for some ideas on where to volunteer, just search online in your area. Or, feel free to send me an email to help get clarity on what might be a good fit for you!

Now, get to work!

In peace, love, and joy to all! ...because that's what I desire :o)

Friday, June 24, 2011

Poem From a Fellow Kriyaban

Over the past couple of years, I have become ever-more deeply committed to my meditation practice and have built a very strong spiritual community along the way. I have met many friends---old and new. How could you meet an "old" friend? Well, you know how when you meet someone and they just seem so familiar you've known them before? It's like that. 

Recently, one of my "old" (new) friends wrote me a poem and I just can't help but share it because of the depth of spirit I sense in his writing. This is a true example of writing from one's soul, from the heart. I feel so blessed to be the recipient of this lovely piece. Thank you, Bobby.

My dear sister, Ruthie.

As you fly into the skies of your new adventure, may you soar like a hang glider.  Joyfully riding the thermals of grace and intuition, higher and higher into the skies of bliss.

I pray for your strength: To bring you through all you will face.

Your intuition: To guide you to what you came into this world to do.

Your creativity: To blossom and spread flowers of joy wherever you go. May you leave spiritual footprints along the path of everyone you meet.

Your spiritual electricity to shine a million suns.

Your spiritual steel to be forged into a mighty sword. May it break the bonds of those locked in darkness so that they may come into the light.

With love in God & Guru,