Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Divination Tools

Many people think of tarot, angel, oracle, and other types of divination tools as "out there" and bit too woo-woo to try. Growing up in a conservative southern state, I totally get that! But, I have to say that my experience has been nothing but positive and actually downright fun! Not only fun, but very accurate. Honestly, all you're doing when pulling a tarot card is providing Spirit a tool for communicating with you. It's as simple as that.

When I first started pulling cards I kept a journal. The whole idea was new to me and I was still a little unsure about it so I was interested in "proving" it out. The uncanny thing was that each card I pulled was exactly what I needed to hear—every single time. And then I noticed how the same cards kept showing up over and over. Sometimes I would even imagine which card I wanted and sure enough, I pulled it! I think those times were Spirit's way of letting me know this isn't so hokey after all but the real deal—a real way for us to communicate. I came to respect the whole process very quickly.

When I draw cards now I completely trust and even expect the exact answer needed for that particular moment or situation. I simply know I'm tapping in the "source" where the answers lie. I've actually started turning to my cards for practical things too. For example, recently my neighbor's dog ran off. They were searching all around and filled with distress. I felt so bad for them so got my coat to go help. But, just before heading out I remembered to go turn off a heater in my work area. I went upstairs, flipped the switch, and as I turned to walk away, my eyes passed over one of my tarot decks. I thought, what the heck, I'll ask where the dog is. I shuffled and a few cards accidentally fell to the floor. I've learned these occurrences are not really accidents at all so I picked them up. I picked up the first card and thought, hmm, it looks like a tree. I went to read the commentary but knew that wasn't the point at all and I was to just study the graphics on the card. A tree, yep that's what the artwork resembled. And so did the next two cards, trees. Okay, the dog is under a tree I guess. I even said it aloud as if acknowledging the help. 

As I walked off my porch and turned to walk I saw my neighbors walking toward me. The dog was happily trotting alongside. They found him! I was so happy for them but had to ask. "So, where did you find him?" "Oh, about 5 blocks down the hill sitting under a tree." I just smiled inside. I have all kinds of stories like this, but this one really gave me a good laugh with Spirit. It's just plain fun. 

Whether it's a deck of cards, a book on animal totems, nature, runes, or whatever, it is okay to give it a try! All you have to do is not be so serious about it and let go of any fears based on the fact that you were told of the condemnation you would encounter if you ever touched such evil things. It's not evil. And, in all honesty, you don't really need any of these sorts of tools. You only need yourself.

The way you use yourself as a tool for spirit to talk with you is to sit in stillness. In the expansion phase of meditation, your heightened state of consciousness has you sitting right there next to the source of all knowing. All you have to do is ask for guidance in your place of complete and utter stillness. The answer will always show up for you. Just get quiet. Be still. Then ask. And then lighten up and have some fun with all the other stuff too!

By the way, my favorite card deck is the Thoth Tarot Deck by Aleister Crowley. I use the book, The Tarot Handbook, by Angeles Arrien for excellent additional commentary.

Have fun!

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