According to stress is defined as, "A mentally or emotionally disruptive or upsetting condition occurring in response to adverse external influences. A stimulus or circumstance causing such a condition. A state of extreme difficulty, pressure, or strain."
During the holidays, we are especially vulnerable to pressure or strain—stress—for a number of reasons. Identifying the triggers and their impact on the body's energy centers, also known as chakras, can help us avoid or minimize the various outward expressions of stress.
In energy medicine, we know that stress shows up in the energy field long before it manifests into illness. Using the framework of the seven major chakras as a guide, we can isolate specific triggers by identifying behaviors that block energy—the prelude to stress—and then replace those behaviors with a positive action. When we do this, balance is restored to the entire energy system as a whole.
Trigger #1: Family
The dread of coming to face-to-face with family members you would rather avoid—and typically do—is the number one cause of stress over the holidays, and it’s typically building weeks, or even months, ahead of time.
When toxic energy (in the form of people’s actions, behaviors, attitudes, and judgments) disrupt our personal space, where we normally feel safe, our root chakra takes a hit. We lose our footing and can feel a little shaky, uncertain, and unsafe.
Tip: The number one strategy for not falling victim to the toxicity of others is to remember that what other people do, don't do, say, or don't say has nothing to do with you. Ever! People behave the way they do regardless who is in their line of fire. It's not about you.
Trigger #2: Money
Finances (or lack thereof) causes more stress for almost everybody this time of year because of the added pressure and expectation to spend money you don't have.
Financial burdens have the same effect as lugging around extra weight. Energy compresses and gets blocked in the spine—specifically the lower back—upsetting the second chakra.
Tip: Tap into your hidden talents and make your own gifts. Don't consider yourself crafty? Buy a small journal or notebook and fill it with "50 Reasons Why I Love __________ (fill in the name).” My daughter gave me such a gift when she was a teenager and I ended up reading from it at her wedding.
Trigger #3: Self-Sabotage
When we take on more than we know we should—a common habit during the holidays—we're setting ourselves up for stress, not to mention failure.
When you neglect your needs or feel taken advantage of, energy is blocked in the third chakra—the gut. Gut issues, which manifest into an overbearing (defensive) attitude, are common during the holidays.
Tip: Say no. Schedule some time for yourself. Sit in a coffee shop—alone—while out shopping. If it's in the budget, schedule a massage. Retreat to your bedroom with a cup of tea and an inspirational book.
Trigger #4: Overgiving
The temptation to be overly generous is huge during the holidays, and sometimes we expect the same of others as well.
Feelings of resentment creep in when we give and get nothing in return. Whether we consciously expect something in return or not, our energy system requires the balance of reciprocity. Equally give and receive to avoid potential heartache and other issues with the heart chakra.
Tip: Release expectations of others while welcoming the little gifts throughout your day. When someone opens the door, walk through it, accepting the gesture as love. Keep an eye out for similar acts of kindness; they're all around. Receive them as love.
Trigger #5: Gossip
Talking about others is a common activity at work parties and family dinners.
Issues with blocked energy in the fifth, or throat, chakra often present in the mouth, throat, and thyroid.
Tip: Don't do it! Somebody needs to take the high road—let it be you. Imagine the voice of your soul or spirit; emulate that voice. Compliment someone instead.
Trigger #6: Memories
The loss of a loved one from a broken relationship or death can feel devastating during the holidays. Memories flood in when you hear a certain song, read a certain line in a book, perform a particular action or go to an annual event.
Shutting memories off limits your ability to tune in to your higher, wiser self, your intuition—a key aspect to keeping energy balanced in the sixth chakra, or third eye, located at the point between the eyebrows.
Tip: Spend time alone. Don't feel like you're supposed to be surrounded by other people. Keep the memory of loved ones alive in your heart by tuning in to them during meditation or prayer. Instead of pushing them aside, invite these loving souls into your scared place of stillness.
Trigger #7: Being Alone
For whatever reason separation—from children, a partner, or parents, or not having any family—leaves you feeling alone.
Bah humbug is your mantra of choice, further isolating you from the very thing you want—community, family, love, connection to spirit. Energy in your seventh chakra, located at the crown, is depleted leaving you with extreme fatigue, apathy, or depression.
Tip: Volunteer, attend classes, lectures, try a "meet up" group, or seek out a spiritual community. It doesn't mean you have to take a vow or follow a particular path. It just means you need to put yourself out there.
Practicing the suggested tips above
counteracts negative energy, clearing the way for greater peace and harmony
during the holiday season. Remember to embrace the stillness of body, mind, and
spirit. Renew your soul. One last tip: One day I was making some notes about solutions and accidentally wrote “soulutions.” I went to erase and correct it but then instantly saw the meaning in my mistake. Solutions to every single problem are found within the wisdom of our soul. Soul-ution was a perfectly good word, and I’ve used it ever since!
Seeing ourselves and others as souls—instead of merely physical—allows soul-utions to create peace, balance, joy!
All my love and best wishes to you. Happy Holidays to you and yours!
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