Friday, January 25, 2013

Using The MBS Scan as A New Year's Accountability Tool

We're well into the first month of the new year and by now, if you're anything like me, the enthusiasm for those New Year resolutions have lost a little steam.  I've heard that it takes 21 days to form a new habit.  That means you can't let up on your plan—no matter what—if you want to make the new habit last.  I didn't even make through the first week!  And my powerful habit of not exercising has over-ridden my intention of creating the new habit of getting outside for a least a short walk most days of the week. 

My problem is that if I don't move my body, everything else seems to suffer—a lot!  Even if that movement is scrubbing the bathroom floor, it makes a huge difference in how I feel. I take on a pissy attitude, my brain feels fuzzy, and I get into a funk if I don't move.  In this depressing and irritating state of mind, I tend to skip meditating and not practice yoga; two things that have proven to be very good for me.  I've learned that all of me—mind, body, and spirit—benefits when I move my body.  And even though I KNOW THIS I still can't seem to stick with it sometimes.

And so I've decided to give it another try.  But this time, I thought to use the MBS Scan—an exercise I use with clients—to hold myself accountable.  I am using it to set an in intention in the morning with a focus on each element—mind, body, spirit—and then as a review at the end of the day to see how I did.   

Here's an example of one of my recent daily MBS Scans:

Morning: Set an intention and write it down.              
  • Mind:  Today, I will have a "do it anyway" attitude! No matter what!
  • Body:  It's sunny today so I will go for a walk (even though I don't want to).
  • Spirit:  I will take some time during my walk to be still.  Maybe sit on a bench or under a tree and meditate.
Evening: review. 
  • Mind: Did I stick to my "do it anyway" plan today. Where did I slip up?  Yes, I did it! 
  • Body:  How did it affect the rest of my day? I was more productive when I got home from my walk.  I made a big dent in the pile of laundry, cleaned the kitchen and got in three hours of writing!  A good day.
  • Spirit:  Did I take a little time to be still?  Did I feel more centered?  Yes, the fresh air was wonderful as I sat with one of my favorite trees down by the lake.
When you do this, write it down in a notebook so you can track your ups and downs.  The above example is one of my "up" days but, trust me, there's some "down" days too.  Just note them, get mad at yourself for a minute or two if you must, but then let it go.  And commit to keep moving!  Tomorrow is a new day. 

Although the daily MBS Scans are helping me, there are still those days that even a sunny day in January (in Seattle!) isn't enough to lure me out of doors.  Shocking, I know.  For now, I will just keep on tracking, is that trucking!?!  
For more on the MBS Scan go to New Spirit Journal archives and search for my Chakra Talk column.  My book, The Eight Aspects of God, A Pathway to Bliss, also provides guidance and more tools, like the AAA (Awareness, Action, Affirmation) Plan. 

"I never had a policy; I have just tried to do my very best each and every day." - Abraham Lincoln
Happy New Year!

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