As we break out of spring and bounce into summer (albeit a slow arrival in Seattle!) it is good to do some spring cleaning! I don't know about you, but when my physical space gets a bit cluttered I personally feel cluttered and scattered as well. My overall sense of peace is compromised, my energy level is depleted, and I can't think clearly. So, just as I work to clear the clutter from my physical space, I also work to clear the energy centers in my body.
To help clear my energy I came up with a "Chakra Clearing Chant". Although I call it a "chant" it can be used as a simple affirmation, mantra, feeling, or something to focus on while meditating. The beauty I see in the chakras is their actual "aspects" because each aspect is so easily incorporated into daily life.
Below is the Chakra Clearing Chant. Give it a try by placing your attention at each location while saying the words, either aloud or mentally. I like to place my hands at each location as an extra aid for concentrating the energy and specific aspect of each particular chakra. Practicing this exercise while standing near a window or outside is even better because it puts you closer to the elements associated with each chakra.
And the more cluttered my space, the more beneficial this technique! I happen to have been doing it a lot lately :o).
Chakra Clearing Chant
I am pure, I am free
Grounded like a tree!
(root chakra, #1)
I am pure, I am free
To express creatively!
(sacral chakra, #2)
I am pure, I am free
Accepting all of me!
(lumbar chakra, #3)
I am pure, I am free
Love embraces me!
(heart chakra, #4)
I am pure, I am free
Speaking joyfully!
(throat chakra, #5)
I am pure, I am free
With clarity I see!
(third eye/spiritual eye, #6)
I am pure, I am free
As I unite with Thee!
(crown chakra, #7)
Yes, I am pure, I am free ...I live authentically!