Saturday, November 27, 2010

Speak Your Truth!

One of the most beautiful examples I've witnessed of someone 'speaking their truth' is my nephew, Karson. He began playing the fiddle around the age of five. Without the ability to read music, it was clear to everyone that Karson's 'truth' lay in the act of playing that instrument. Without hesitation, he joyfully expressed heartfelt, soulful music. And not only did he play, Karson would sing with all his might from the depths of his being. Completely oblivious of ego or judgment; he epitomized speaking ones' truth.

What would you do if you knew you would not be judged or criticized? What would you do if you knew you could not fail? What would you do if you had the love and support of community — friends and family? What if you lived your Truth with abandon, without regard to what others think? What would that look like?

Living from this place of abandon improves the wellbeing of our entire energetic system. And when we have healthy energy centers, we find courage to try new things, revive old passions, we come alive! We may even learn to do things we never thought possible. And the more we feed our energy system by taking right action — living in alignment with our Truth, our purpose — the more resistant we become to dis-ease.

Let's take a look at how integrating all energy centers support "Living Your Truth". As you read below think about how your mind, body, and spirit feel with regard to living "your" Truth. Do you feel stuck, unworthy, alone or excited, joyful, ecstatic? Also think about what or who may be holding you back from fully living it (your Truth). These are all clues to help you decide what next step to take to get your life in balance and find a sense of peace and wellness.

1. The root chakra is important because of its role in helping us find and sustain a sense of community. When we have community (family, friends, like-minded groups) we are more likely to take risks (to live our Truth) because we have a place to fall if it (the risk) doesn't turn out the way we hoped. We know we're not alone.

Possible action step: Volunteer with a non-profit organization related to something you love, skilled at, or just curious about . This is a great way to not only give back, but meet people of like mind and build your community (and open new doors of opportunity!).

2. The creative second chakra drives us toward our passions. When we find ourselves engaged in activity where time seems to fly by, our second chakra is being replenished, and we're given a hint at what may accelerate us toward our Truth. With a strong vibration in the sacral region we have "light bulb" moments and reminded of that "thing" that brings us alive!

Possible action step: attend a class in a subject of interest or make a trip to an art store and pick up some painting supplies. Try new things - you never know what may click or who you may meet!

3. The third chakra is at the core of living our Truth because doing so requires courage, will, and determination — all third chakra characteristics. Although at the core for attaining "Truth", energy from all other centers are needed. For example, we find courage to take the first step when we are supported by community, our root chakra. Married with passion from our creative second chakra we are driven to take one more step, then another, and another.

Possible action step: think of one thing that gives you butterflies — asking someone out, public speaking, or giving a presentation at work, for instance. Practice, practice, practice, then do it anyway! Special tip: try it on a voice recorder first.

4. Living from our heart center literally releases love into the world, touching and healing others without even trying. When we express love toward ourselves, others automatically feel an authenticity in our presence, making them feel good when around us. It's the law of magnetism - love attracts more love.

Possible action step: do one 'random act of kindness' this week. Ideas: pay for someone's coffee, food, parking or toll in line behind you — they won't even know until you're way out of sight! So exciting and fun!

5. The throat chakra IS about speaking and living your Truth. The more you speak your Truth, the higher vibration you'll have in this energy center. Think about it, the more you do something, the better you are the next go 'round — the same holds true here. The more you joyfully express yourself, the easier it is next time. And you'll come at it each time with more vigor, passion, and confidence than the time before. With third chakra will, the mere act of just doing (living/speaking), one action at a time, propels you toward your Truth.

Possible action step: say no next time you are asked to do something you really "don't" want to do. It requires no explanation - simply say, thank you for asking, but I am not available. Don't do things if they're not from your heart (because you are not fully available ...and it depletes your energy). Instead, spend extra time doing one thing you know you love - do it a lot this week!

6. Using sixth chakra insight and trusting intuition makes living our Truth easier, more fun, and speeds up the process! I call it driving in the Trinity of Truth "fast lane". Speeding by the slow drivers on the freeway we tend not to care what they think. We head directly for our destination and know exactly how to get there. With a healthy sixth chakra, when we get a 'hit' that says, "YES, I want to do "that" - we do it! We drive ahead in the fast lane. We muster up all energies, despite what others say or do, and trust our internal GPS system to guide us — knowing it (our intuition) knows best!

Possible action step: next time you get a "fleeting" thought or "familiar" feeling - go with it! Don't second guess your instincts; trust your gut. If you want to save an empty box but don't know why, do it anyway. You never know, you may need a box exactly that size and shape in a few weeks to ship a Christmas gift! Trust all vibes — you might not know why in the moment, but you will later!

7. And then there's Spirit. When we live our Truth or aspire to do so, our Spirit kicks into high gear giving us momentum to keep going. With every action, we find courage to "take a leap of faith" because we've come to know, intuitively, that every action toward our Truth, is proof that we mean it. Each time we show Spirit that we are at least willing to search for our Truth, we are in turn given little bonuses for effort. I call these bonuses karma points and each point clears out years of (karmic) debt. Each karma point is like an HOV pass where you get to whiz past the other drivers who are stuck in a rush-hour traffic jam!

Possible action step: set five minutes aside every day to meditate. Choose a 'realistic' time of day and sit every day for 2 weeks at approximately the same time (this helps form a habit). Incorporate the mantra: "I am peace". On each inhalation say "I am". With each exhalation say "peace". Meditation puts us in touch with Spirit where we (intuitively) receive guidance. For guidance on "how to meditate' see my "Trinity of Truth" blog at

If my nephew had been deprived of expressing himself he might be sitting here reading this and trying to remember what brings him joy. But, instead, because his parents celebrated his innate desire for music, Karson is recognized as one of the best fiddle players in Kentucky for not only his age group, but among older competitors as well. This may seem a bit superficial at first, but on the contrary. On an energetic level, Karson has gained the following knowledge: with a sense of community (family) it is safe to "go for it" in life; creative expression brings one into alignment with natural-born talents; courage and confidence develops the more you "go for it"', as in performing in front of others; love for one's Truth is love for one's Self; speaking and living one's Truth out loud (literally) brings ultimate joy; knowing one's Truth and following it enhances intuition; and getting lost in the essence of joy merges us with Spirit, our eventual Truth. Whether Karson knows it yet or not, he has gained lessons that support the rest of his life — on a physical and mental level, and more importantly, on an energetic (spiritual) level.

When we are not so blessed to have such love and support like my nephew, or limited in what we can or can't do, over time the part of us that wishes to do "that" thing, which brings us alive, goes into hiding. Thankfully, it never dies, it just goes into hiding. When not encouraged to speak our truth from an early age, without knowing it, we alienate our soul's calling, our Truth. We grow up feeling empty; filled with an unclear sense of direction or not knowing what brings us joy. We simply forget. And there begins a life without purpose, and where dis-ease sets in. Soon, life takes hold as we settle for a "comfortable" living while all the while battling the various challenges. The hard part now, though, is to be brave enough to uncover that hidden desire. We must reveal it so the light can shine, luring it out. Just as a flower needs the sun's rays to blossom, so, too, do our desires need exposure to come alive. It takes courage to remove the seemingly protective coating, but if we expect to live our Truth it is essential.

Give this a try. The next time you see someone "living it up" — be it singing, playing music, dancing, painting, teaching a class, or flying an airplane — check in with your feelings. Does the mere sight of these things arouse something inside you? If so, this is a little hint of what you might be doing if you were to give yourself a little freedom and permission to "live your Truth".

While reading through the above examples did you notice any particular sensations? Take note and use this information to help you make decisions about next steps. For example, did it make you feel warm inside at the thought of randomly paying for someone's coffee or toll? Did you become curious about what color of paint to buy or class to attend? Does the thought of public speaking scare you to death! This is how you find out how to unblock your energy so you can unlock (and live) your Truth!

Living our "Truth" doesn't lie in the act of doing any of these things, per se. But the mere doing does put us into the flow with Spirit. In this place, our senses are heightened, we fall into a receptive state (saying yes to opportunities) and then, all of a sudden, everything — miraculously — starts falling into place! We start encountering people and situations that align with what we desire. This happens because we make ourselves, our desires, known. When we do this and stay in the flow "coincidences" happen. It is uncanny, you might say.

And lastly, if, like my nephew, you are blessed with community that encourages you to speak your Truth and follow your dreams, go right now and give the responsible person ('s) a hug, email, or phone call to say thank you. Their heart center will flourish will yours :o).

***I will be teaching my last "Chakra Talk!" class of the year at East West Bookshop in Seattle on December 15 at 7:00PM. We will be discussing the 5th Chakra — Speaking Your Truth! For more information or to sign up visit,

Also, look for information on how to meditate and other helpful tools at my "Trinity of Truth" web site,

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

November Rain

Feeling frustrated, I recently said to a friend in email, "I could just cry ...but I won't!". She soon replied with some words of wisdom along with a note "And it's OK to cry sometimes". I knew she was right and immediately realized I was being too hard on myself.

I had been feeling disappointed in myself for not making more progress on an important writing project I was working on. Although I really did feel like crying, I was not willing to give in to the feeling of defeat crying would bring. But, reading my friend's words reminded me that tears are not a bad thing and do not equal defeat, but are actually very necessary sometimes. Just as the rain washes, purifies, and balances the earth and it's many elements, so, too, do our tears wash, purify, and balance our hearts.

Sitting there with a sense of gloom, I listened as the rain pounded my roof. It was the heavy and forceful rains of November; driving hard into the earth, running over the steep eaves of my house. I imagined each drop absorbing and removing thick residue in the air. I then imagined tears cleansing the sadness of my heart - being replenished with forgiveness, peace, unconditional love.

Our heart center holds negative energy when we're too hard on ourselves causing us to love (ourselves and others) with "conditions". The opposite is to love "unconditionally" - that is to say, without expectations. I will love you more "if or when" this or that is accomplished, for instance. In the case of my writing, or lack of, I was judging myself because I held a certain expectation and when I didn't meet it, I had unkind (unloving) thoughts toward myself. I even started making up excuses of 'why' I wasn't making more progress, which generally involved blaming someone else. Resentment sets in when we blame others. It is one of the most toxic feelings we can hold and the hardest to let go of. That is, until we realize that what other people do, don't do, say, or don't say, has nothing to do with us. Ever! Anytime we blame someone else for our suffering and then expect them to 'fix it' - when they don't, we resent them. But, the problem is, they can't, they shouldn't, and they never will.

If I feel, for example, that someone is robbing me of my precious writing time, it isn't their fault; it's mine. It's my responsibility to set boundaries, and hold them. It isn't their duty to determine my writing schedule. It is always my choice how I spend my time and with whom I share it.

I wanted to cry for two reasons. The first, and more frustrating, reason was because I wasn't getting my writing done. The second, and more troubling, reason was because I was harboring a bit of resentment toward others because they were 'taking' my time. Uh, umm, wait a minute! These are the people that love and support me and vice versa - no matter what! Sharing time with the people I love is the most important thing in my entire life! Problem was that I was over-committing and not doing a good job of setting boundaries. I was left with 'stolen moments' to write as I was stealing time from writing to be with my family. When with my family, I was not fully present because of my sense of disappointment as a writer. I was in a no-win situation as I was pulled in too many directions to do just one thing to the best of my ability. I was fully primed for a good ole cry.

Finally, with permission to cry, my tears lightened the weight of my heart. The knot in my chest released - replaced with a sense of forgiveness, understanding, acceptance, peace. Just as the rain lifts the heaviness from the air, tears somehow lift the load from one's heart. It can be magical once we embrace crying as a cleansing process instead of viewing it as a weakness. I once read that tears are God's way of cleansing and purifying our soul. I believe this is true if we approach the act of crying as a release, as an opportunity to let go and just be.

Have you ever noticed how bright the sun is after a good hard rain? The heavy gray clouds have gone, the air is fresher, the green is greener. That's what happens inside our heart center when we release the tension, the blockage, by giving ourselves permission to cry. The heaviness is lifted - allowing us to see and feel more clearly. We might then be reminded of how it feels to love or be loved unconditionally. This perspective helps us see ourselves and others in a different light where we are able to find forgiveness through understanding. We find acceptance, where we then feel peace.

Sometimes you might be in a funk and just need a good cry. Sometimes, you might feel violated or deeply saddened by someone else's actions. Either way, accept what is. Feel what you're feeling and see the situation with acceptance; see the other person as having complete autonomy from you. They are accountable not to you, but to themselves, same as you and me. And don't blame others. We are all interdependent, yes, but must first be independent to flourish collectively.

If you are lucky enough to live in a place where you get a little rain every now and then - or a lot (like Seattle!) - use it as a reminder that crying is as natural as the rain itself. Accept your feelings so they may surface, be cleansed and released. Cry, nurture, and love yourself. Then, sit quietly in meditation asking Spirit to renew your every cell while imagining each raindrop replenishing you with light, love, forgiveness, unconditional love.

And remember that it's OK to cry.