Recently, I was asked some questions about how I contribute, or wish to, in a way that fills my life with joy. What does a person need to do in order to achieve this level of satisfaction? What does it take?
• Courage. Courage to take action when you recognize your life is not flowing in alignment with your authentic self. Courage to see challenges as opportunities for uncovering life's greatest lessons. Courage to know yourself completely and love every aspect no matter what. To be scared and do it anyway!
And assuming I have reached a sustained state of joy, how exactly did I get there?
• Although I am "there" more often than not, I am not "there" every moment of every day. To get there requires a certain amount of balancing the good with the bad and learning lessons along the way. In order to stay "there" most of the time, I think it is necessary to encounter situations that challenge us; it's like a test that requires all your brain cells - necessary to keep them sharp! It is like playing Sudoku! Each puzzle is a little bit harder, but with every completion, you gain confidence to turn the next page, and the next, until you reach expert level 'puzzles'. Life's challenges (puzzles) may get more difficult than the last just for this reason; to keep us interested in moving forward and giving us an opportunity to stretch ourselves a bit further. And these challenges also keep us humble; clearing our vision to see all the goodness around us in every moment.
Why am I here this life?
• To help my soul evolve. I believe our greatest task in life is coming to know our "Higher Self" and then using our human experience to help that Self maneuver through the 'test' it has been given here on earth. My soul chose me and my job is to be available, to surrender, if you will; acting as a mere channel, a conduit, for this energy to move through using whatever gifts, talents, and knowledge I have acquired "here" to help it on this journey.
What is my purpose (the million dollar question)?
• To be an open and receptive channel for Divine energy to work through me in helping others come to know themselves on a deeper level (where healing begins). To teach people how to be self-sufficient by providing tools and awareness, empowering them to help others in the same way. I am here to show others that life's 'challenges' need not hold you back, but propel you forward! I am here to show others that it is OK to take 'risks' in order to follow your heart's desires. I am here to show people that helping others is healing in itself. I am here as a conduit for my soul, its tool to work in service to others. I know this is true because when I work in service to others my heart sings with joy and I lose all sense of time!
What sort of impact do I want to make?
• Helping people get back in touch with what brings them alive and encourage them to share this (awakening) with others. I work daily to be cognizant of how I think, speak, and act and hope this quiet act challenges others to do the same. I wish to show others how to overcome adversity - how it can (and must) be done! Born number eight of nine into poverty presented many challenges early in life and taught me that suffering is merely a life-lesson, a tool, keeping me connected to my intuition (my soul). I believe that deep connection allows me to see the constant guidance which surrounds me. I have come to know that my ability to Thrive (despite the obstacles) is because I trust my intuition and am grateful for every experience (lesson) in my life. And I have come to know that when I Thrive so do those around me. I enjoy guiding others as they reconnect with their intuitive side (their Spirit) where they can live a more creative and authentic life. And watching others Thrive, as I welcome them 'home', pleases me very much. This makes for a joy-filled life!
How would you answer these questions?